Warhammer 40k League
Current League: Winter 2025
Entry: $10 (Join anytime)
Runs from January 2025 to the end of March 2025
Championship Tournaments dates: TBD
What’s the league about?
Recurring Warhammer 40k league
Every quarter (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, July-Sep, Oct-Dec) starts a new season
Play matches and score points based on points scored and points denied
Current competitive play mission rules must be used (Pariah Nexus) and all official FAQs, rules changes, codices are applicable at the time of their release
At the end of the season, the top 8 players play in a store championship tournament
How does it work?
Pick an army and register with a shop employee
Challenge other players in the league
Play your match at the shop, record the match using Tabletop Battles app, then submit the match in the warhammer-scores discord channel
At the end of the week (Sunday), standings will be updated according to each players’ best 6 matches
You can only count an opponent once for each of your top 6, but it’s always your best match against that opponent
Additional Contests
During the League Quarter, there will also be a best painted miniature competition!