
Intergalactic Plastic buys new and lightly used toys,

comic books, cards, and collectibles.

Contact us at intergalacticplastictoys@gmail.com

or text at (813) 665-0125

Cash purchases are by appointment only. No cash purchases in store. Pick up arrangements will be made upon agreement of sales price. Please send photos and/or list to our email address above.

~Please be prepared with an asking price on large collections.~

Not local? No problem. Contact us and we’ll discuss possibilities.

Wanna Trade?

Bring in your used video games, comic book, or toys for in-store credit! No appointment necessary.

Notice: Trade credit that is not used immediately is added to our system as Star Points. Star Points can only be redeemed in increments of 5.

We are under no obligation to take your items for trade. We may pass on items for a variety of reasons.

Note: Store credit in the form of Star Points cannot be used towards clearance items.