Players will pass out one role card to each player, face down. No one (except the King) can reveal who they are until the game is over. You can claim to be a particular role, but you cannot reveal your card.
King- The King starts at 50 life, and goes first. The goal of the king is to be the last man standing.
Knight- The goal of the Knight is to protect the King. If the King and the Knight are the last two standing, they both win.
Bandit - The goal of the Bandit is to kill the King. If the King dies, the Bandits win, regardless of who is still in the game. There are two bandits in 5 player games.
Usurper - The goal of the Usurper is to deliver the killing blow to the King. If this happens, the King and Usurper switch places. The Usurper's life total goes to 50, and the previous King remains in the game as the new Usurper at 1 life. It is now the job of the Knight to protect the new King.
The game begins by the King revealing himself, and going first. The most fun part about this variant is that it completely changes the politics--previous games and grudges rarely enter in.