Intergalactic Plastic

Commander League

NEW LEAGUE Starts September 5th


Subject to change without notice.

Entry: $10 league pass. Good for duration of league

League Duration 4 weeks / 2 matches per week

Pod Size: 4

  • No maximum deck price

  • WOTC ban list including Thassa’s Oracle/laboratory manic/Jace Weidler of mysteries.

  • Maximum 5 proxies per deck if original card is not owned. More proxies are allowed if original is owned and on hand.

  • Players must offer cuts after each shuffle

  • When possible, league matches should be played with other league members.

  • Log League points on provided log sheets before leaving shop.

  • No Killing before turn 5 and no infinites. You may only repeat an action that includes the same cycle of cards twice during a turn.


There will be prizes for 1st through 4th place at the end of the league.  There will also be a raffle for additional prizes at the end of every week. Participants will receive raffle tickets equal to their point total every week. The previous week’s tickets are removed each week.

Prize pool will be determined by overall league participation.


Additional points will be randomized every week.

Points are only able to be earned once per match.

+ 4 The Winner - win a match

+3 finish 2nd – Last eliminated

+2 finish 3rd - second eliminated

+1 finish 4th - first eliminated

(Players eliminated at the same time get the same placement)

+1 Goodbye - eliminate a player (max one point per match)

+1 Participation Trophy – Play in a league match on Tuesday.